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The DISCERN Project 1996-7

The DISCERN Project was funded from 1996-7 by The British Library and the NHS Executive Research & Development Programme

The original DISCERN Project Team consisted of:

Self-help group representatives

General practitioners

Consumer health information expert

Helen Thompson, Trent Healthline, Nottingham

Lay medical publisher

Susan Harrison, Science Publications, Oxford University Press

Health journalist

Annabelle May, London

Health consumer representative

Sandy Oliver, Ashstead, Surrey

Community Health Council representative

Claire Laurent, Oxford

Plain English Campaign representative

James Middleton, Whaley Bridge

NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination representative

Vikki Entwhistle, York

Further details of how DISCERN was developed were published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

For further information on the original DISCERN instrument and handbook, please email Radcliffe Medical Press.