Question 10: Does it describe the benefits of each treatment?

What the question is about and why it is important

A good quality publication will describe the benefits of each treatment. Most treatments have some benefits or advantages. It is important to be aware of the benefits so that you know what to expect from a treatment and can decide whether it is associated with an outcome that is important for you.

Rating the question

The question is only concerned with the treatment or treatments described in the publication, and simply requires you to rate whether any benefit is mentioned for each of the treatments described. The question is not concerned with the size of the benefit or who is most likely to benefit. The question cannot be used to assess whether all of the benefits associated with each treatment have been described as this would involve checking against other sources.

Guidelines for rating the question:

5: Yes
a benefit is described for each treatment.
2 - 4: Partially
a benefit is described for some but not all of the treatments.
1: No
no benefits are described for any of the treatments.


5 rating (a single treatment publication):

‘For most people, the treatment will provide a complete cure within a few weeks.’

‘In the short-term, treatment X can halt the weight loss in sufferers from Jones’ disease. It can also reduce the symptoms of pain and breathlessness. Whilst it cannot cure the condition, treatment X can provide long-term stabilisation and will prevent the condition from worsening.’

A publication concerned with more than one treatment will be rated 5 if similar descriptions are provided for each treatment mentioned.